Monday, February 7, 2011

How To Host The Best Intervention Ever

So I started watching that show "Intervention," and I realized the problem with that show is that the people in it always end up getting off drugs. What's up with that, right? There's no fun there.

To combat this, I thought I'd host an intervention on my own, you know, to show them how to do it. I had three main new ideas, to improve the whole "intervention" concept.
1. I decided that, instead of inviting the family and friends of the addict, I would invite famous celebrities to help out.
2. Drinks couldn't hurt diffuse the tension.
3. Strip chess. Because, who isn't more comfortable in the nude?

Step one: Invite the stars.
I exercised my gratuitous Hollywood connections to get some real A-listers. You ready for this? I got Charlie Sheen, Courtney Love, Corey Feldman, and Eminem. That's right. Hell yes, I got connections. I figured these people were all role models for any recovering addict (I mean, have you seen Feldman's Oscar worthy performance in "Lost Boys?" Brilliant stuff).

Step two: DRINKS!!
I decided to go to the corner store down the street and purchase three crates of Four Loco, the best alcoholic energy drink of all time. I chose to go with Four Loco because of it's energizing properties.

Step three: Breaking out the chess board.
I knew I couldn't just go with the five dollar cardboard chess set I bought from the thrift store. No, I went to (yes, that is a necessary website. Why wouldn't it be?), and found absolute perfection.

That's right, a custom made King motherfucking Arthur chess set. Who's a champ? That's right, this guy.

So, after dropping the meager price of $250 on that, I thought I was ready to host the absolute best intervention of all time. But then I realized I was lacking one crucial element: A drug addict. However, that would be easily remedied. Luckily, I remembered how to cook up a nasty batch of speed in my bathtub, and thought up a couple of superb sales pitches. Soon enough, I had my interventee. A young chap named Bart Milner. He wasn't really a great person, but this intervention wasn't really for his benefit anyway. It was just to show the world what a real intervention should look like. Time to get down to business.

After briefly looking over the "twelve steps" program (complete waste of time), I prepare my living room for what will be the best intervention party ever and call Bart, telling him I have a new batch I'd like him to try out for me. Then I arrange the guests in different hiding spots, preparing to startle the addiction out of Bart, because I'm pretty sure that's how addictions work.

As soon as that guy lets himself into my house, Eminem, Ms. Love, Mr. Feldman, and Mr. Sheen jump out from their respective hiding spots and shouted "BOOOO." Bart, in a confused start, punches Courtney right in the face.

"Whoa, cool your jets, man," I tell Bart. "This is an intervention. You have a problem."

"Whatcha talkin' about? I'm fine."

"You mean the startling thing worked?"

"Wha- no. I don't have a problem, is what I mean."

"Oh. Well. That's exactly the sort of thing someone with a problem would say. Who wants to play strip chess?"

Surprisingly, not a lot of people; it takes one and a half crates of Four Loco for everyone to loosen up enough to start some strip chess. Side note: Charlie Sheen's unclothed torso is surprisingly fantastic.

Also, it turns out, Courtney Love is the best chess player of all time. Soon enough, Charlie, Cory, Eminem, Bart, and myself were in our undergarments, Eminem in his custom designed camouflage full body underwear.
We almost couldn't see him. Get it? Cause it's

"Okay," I say, "Now that we are in a more comfortable, less clothed state-"

"I don't think anyone's more comfortable this way, David. Can we put our clothes back on?" Charlie Sheen turns out to be kind of a pussy.

"No, Charlie. That's stupid. As I was saying, now that we are all comfortable with each other, lets all read our special letters to Bart. Courtney, as strip chess champion of the party, you can start."

"Bart, there are a lot of people who care very deeply for you, honey, and they can all see you have a problem. That's the first step in the twelve step program, and it's very crucial because-"

"Wow, Courtney. So far that's really boring. Get to the funny part."

"David, there's nothing funny about drug addiction."

"Oooookay. Corey, you are next. "

Corey is passed out in the corner, seizing and vomiting all over the place. Maybe we should have cut him off from the Four Loco a while ago.

"Eww. Yikes. We'll, uh.. We'll come back to you then. Eminem, go!"

"Alright, Bart, I wrote you this rap, I'd like to preform it right now. Here you go:
(rapping) Yo, alright, yo. Here I go again/
Bart, you gotta stop doing the meth/
Otherwise you might die of a meth/
Overdose, because if you don't quit meth/
You'll just need more and more meth/
Till you overdose on hella meth."

"Yeaaah... Eminem? That's not really a rap. At all. You just said meth at the end of each line. That's... That just isn't a rhyme. It's just the same word over and over."

"You dissin? YOU DISSIN?"

"Uhm. Kind of. Yeah, I guess I am. That was really not well thought out at all. It seems like you made it up as you went along."

"Well, yeah, of course. It's called free-stylin', yo."

"How.. How are you so respected in the hip hop community? Nevermind, doesn't matter, the message behind it was lacking anyway. You just explained that overdosing on meth is dangerous. I mean, seems kind of obvious."

At this point, I just don't care anymore. I just want to get Sheen's letter out of the way. So far this has been quite the disappointment. When I look around the room, it becomes apparent that Charlie left when he saw Feldman's current state. Pussy.

Bart seems vaguely confused by this whole situation. By now, I would have thought it was pretty obvious that this was an intervention, but oh well.

An hour in, and everyone seems bored. That's when I think of the perfect way to spice up this intervention party (now that all the Four Loco has been processed into Feldman's vomit): meth! No wonder the interventions on TV aren't any fun, there are no drugs involved. I ran into the bathroom, threw together a makeshift batch (using instructions from the FX networks hit show, Breaking Bad) and bring that out to the party goers. Five minutes after we start smoking that, my memory goes blank.

It is now the morning after the intervention, and no one is in sight. I woke in my back yard next to a trail of vomit that led from my living room to a mound of dirt. I think that Feldman is buried there. Not good. Also, apparently we all went out shooting last night. And I'm pretty sure Eminem and Bart shot Courtney, because I got a picture message from Em's phone that depicted Courtney with three bullet wounds in her back, and the text read "LOL just shot Courtney L. Srry man :( l8r."

Best. Intervention. Ever.

CBS Cares... Too Much

Whoa... Just... Whoa. That's uh... Yikes.

CBS, I appreciate your concern. I really do. But.. cool your jets, ok? As in stop filming creepy eyebrows guys in a suggestively romantic setting telling me to check my testicles. For testicular cancer. That's just... too much, guys.

So as soon as I saw this I Googled "cbscares testicular cancer" and found it on You Tube. Apparently, it is quite the hit. I had intentionally just planned on reposting this with the above hilarity, but then I read this comment on the video:

"find a lump in one of your testicles and go throught he intense chemotherapy to save yourself from testicular cancer and I guarantee you will not be laughing about it. Testicular cancer is serious shit. Blow it off and you die. Take it seriously and you might live to have children and a normal life. It is 98% curable, but ONLY IF you take it seriously. This PSA was presented to help save YOUR life. Appreciate it for what it is and check your balls in the shower tonight."

Right? What is this guy on about? That video is weird. I mean, I guess it's possible that someone found out what testicular cancer was from that handy little PSA, but is it likely? Some guy was just sitting on his couch and watching TV when that came on, and he was just blown away. Just like "OH FUCK! Fuckin' testicle.. cancer? Did that guy just say FUCKING TESTICULAR CANCER?"

No, but to the guy who left this comment, I totes agree that testicular cancer is "serious shit," but this PSA is funny. It's just funny, man, it's not like some guy watched it and was like, "Oh, fuck my balls. This shit's a joke." No, that's simply not how it goes. It is man's greatest duty to protect his nuts, no one's going to blow them off, no matter how ridiculous the PSA about testicle cancer is. I like that he emphasizes YOUR near the end, you know, as opposed to someone else's life. One more burn and then I'm ghost for now: Dude, I don't have to be in the shower to touch my balls. The way he says that at the end seems to imply this guy can only touch his testicles in the shower. Yeeaaaah. Weird.

Alright, I'm out. Thanks for reading.

Toddlers and Tiaras: The Two Things I Hate Most

Those of you who don't know what Toddlers and Tiaras is, God bless you. For those of you who do, God have mercy on your soul.

Toddlers and Tiaras is a show on TLC, a network which now has an apparent target audience of pedophiles. The show documents young pageant girls in the competitive world of beauty pageanting. Or whatever the verb version of pageant is. Yeah, that's a perfectly acceptable program for The Learning Channel to air. But I digress.

So, this might just be me, but I don't really like other people's kids. Well, except for child molestation. I definitely do not like to watch other people's kids on television. Especially not when they are getting spray tans and parading around in bikinis. I find that sort of repulsive. Here, let me show you a still from the show:

Yeeeaah... How did this clear the FCC?

Seriously? Really, America? This is what we entertain ourselves with?

Honestly, this is more than a little depressing. I mean, who is benefiting from this show besides perverts whose internet access was restricted by the FBI? Is there really someone out there who turns on the TV and is like "Holy shit! 'Toddlers and Tiaras' is on! Best. Night. Ever."

The next thing I'd like to address is the fucking crazy people these girls call "Mom." Most of them are overweight, way past their prime (if they ever had a prime), and living through their daughters.
Oh, Hell yes. How can I get in on that
sweet, sweet loving?

These ladies must drink the essence of psycho bitch for breakfast. Literally. These mothers could honestly not give less of a shit about their child's well being. "Oh, what? Your slutty sailor outfit is rubbing the flesh off of you? Well, honey, how about FUCK YOU?!?!"

They spend their time evenly split between dominating their daughter's lives and telling their husbands to be more supportive. How supportive can a man be of this horrible shit? I mean, he's already allowing his wife to turn his daughter into a crazy skank, what do they expect from him? One mother explains that she just wants her husband to show support in person. Okay, it's one thing for a man to sit around his own home and eagerly watch his daughter prance around in knee high fishnets, but to go to an event where there are thirteen other girls in such attire... That'd just lose him respect. You know, because the father of a four year old beauty pageant girl is one of the community's most respectable members.

Plus, we have a feeling you'd end up with
a lot of dead babies if this guy had to sit through a pageant full of them.

Right, so, there's the dead baby reference for this post. Happy, Allie?

Aaaand that's all I got for this. Hope all your molestings go well, hope to post next week.

This Blog

This is my new blog. I intend to provide laughter and a healthy dose of loathing for the world we live in at least once a week. It's sort of going to be a free form project, but the main idea is for me to call out movies, shows, celebrities, etc that I think prove what a sad state society is in.

I also plan on insulting my audience as much as possible. I will begin now, by telling you I imagine half of you to look like this:
At least you are patriotic

So there's that. I might also add that I'm relatively offensive, so if you think there is nothing funny about dead babies or rape, then you're gay. Just kidding, but seriously, I don't care if I offend you. In fact, I kind of prefer it that way.
That said, I hope you like what you read.